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~ RaMAdHaN ~

uhh...lama da ek aku rasa aku tak update blog ni..since june tu..tup tup da masuk akhir bulan 8..posa da pun..kalo nak flash back balik ni, bnyk citer nak kena update ni..erm..besday aku pun tak diupdate kat sini..ape ape cite ramadhan kali ni.arituh masa 1st day posa, ok la coz bley posa kat kl..bukak posa pun dgn masakan 'cuani' a liitle bit kuih yg 'uncle' bl.. so bila da balik jerantut ni (cupp, aku da cite ke aku posting kat jerantut ni??ermm lupa da..), aku mcm lost jap..tak tau nak bukak posa aper..mknn mahal..choices pun tak bnyk..asyik2 murtabak memanjang..kesimpulannyer agak bosan ar pun nasib baik ade geng utk bukak posa..kalo masing2 ade hal kat kuantan ke ape ke..alamatnyer sesorg ar aku..inila hidup di perantauan..huhu..wa mesti best nnt bila nak dekat raya..feel blk kg kompem ade..haha..yeh yeh yeh *versi karaoke iklan kitkat* .... eyh..nnt smbg blk..aku nak g meeting da..nntkan update2 dr aku nnt k..bulan posa ni, bnyk sket time free.. huahuahua.. k chow..

10 reasons why June make me stress..

tgh dok2 layan internet ni, tetiba aku teringat cite2 yg ade kaitan dgn no 10 ni..misalnya 10 things i hate about u, how to lose a guy in 10 days (hny mention brape filem saja) nak dijadikan cite, idup aku di bulan June ni pun ade kaitan dgn no 10 ape kata kalo kisah no 10 aku ni dijadikan filem aje..kompem box-office kat hollywood...haha..erm..senarai di bwh menerangkan secara terperinci ape 10 perkara tersebut..
p/s: kepada sesapa yg terasa nama dia ade kena mengena dalam senarai di bawah, harap ambil perkara tersebut sbg teguran..sumetimes i need to express my own feelings..harap maklum.

10 Reasons Why June Make Me Stress

1. Asyik kena dgr masalah org je..masalah aku ade org nak dgr??
2. Aku diganggu dan makin lama makin merimaskan
3. Keje yg makin bynk dateline, pengarah pun asyik call da..
4. Org kg makin nyibuk minta itu ini
5. Kontraktor yg tak penah stop dtg jumpa juz nak mintak keje
6. Masalah staff yg makin meleret
7. Masalah kewangan..ade yg tak byr hutang
8. Tarikh 21/6/09 makin dekat..satu ape pun tak plan lg..
9. Bosan dgn keje
10. X boleh jadi diri sendiri..kena control memanjang

flash back..

Yes..finally we had reached da middle of da year, Jun..well, its been a long time since my last too bz wif da works and it really made me fed up..i need to handle not only my job, but also to handle da staffs, DO n YBs..also not to forget da org2 kg..erm now you know why ive been changing blogs for 3 times juz wanna flash back what had happened in last month..let me see...

1: Mona's birthday

sumthing concerned us..sumthing smelly perhaps??hehe

'how cute can u be' competition..

4 of us..since 2002..

it was on 1st of may when we celebrated usual 4 of us went to a cool place for dinner and of course it was a treat by mona..haha..we've chosen a cafe (cant remember da name eventhough been there twice) which located at puah if im not mistaken..well, we discussed a lot of things especially regarding one of our fren's was a long story btw..but da most important things we had chance to spend our nite together again n i really ate a lot..vavava

more prefer da abc than da chicken chop..

luv it..nyum2..

2. Shopping!!

dis is really my fav..haha..ive spent more than rm400.omg...but of course regretting after dat..huhu..

m ready for shopping..hey, do i look nice?

c dat?m waiting n waiting..juz for da sake of shopping!!

ra zai lam nun - A TRIBUTE | TNB